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– Elizabeth, a business client
–Charles Kirk
– Katherine, an estate planning client
Like with any professional service, it is good to go into a meeting with your attorney prepared. When you are considering forming a new business such as an LLC, Corporation, or Partnership and decide that meeting with an attorney you do not need to have made the decision, which is what the attorney will help you with. While it is ideal that you are passingly familiar with what type of business you are interested in creating, not necessarily LLC or Corporation, but what kind of industry you plan to be in, how many employees you plan to have, and who the owners and investors in the company are going to be. Before you meet with an attorney you should know and be able to provide to the attorney with the following information:
i. An Idea or preferred name of the company
ii. Mailing Address of the proposed company
iii. Name and address of all initial owners of the company
iv. Purpose of business (i.e. what goods or services sold)
v. Whether or not the business will be hiring employees in the near future
vi. Your social security number or the social security number of at least one owner
vii. What are the initial investments and an idea of the division of ownership
This is the basic information our office uses to both advise our clients on what type of business is most practical for them and to draft the formation documents in the first place. Of special note the name of the potential business can be a potential problem. Without checking for already existing intellectual property claims against your proposed name you could potentially open yourself to problems of potentially infringing on someone else’s intellectual property. Our office can assist with an intellectual property search for potential business names as part of forming a new business.
If you have questions or concerns about a formation of a business, call Limitless Law PLLC at (360) 685-0145 or use the “Ask an Attorney” link on our website to contact us today!
–Charles Kirk
– Elizabeth, a business client
– Katherine, an estate planning client
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